We make the process of connecting to gasification fast, reliable and simple. Our specialists are ready to provide you with all the necessary information and support to ensure the safe and efficient use of natural gas. Trust us and we will make your transition to a gasified system as convenient and carefree as possible.
Stages of gasification
Obtaining technical conditions for connection (technical specifications)
Cost: Free of charge
It is necessary to apply for the issuance of a TU with a package of documents:
- in online format – in the Consumer’s personal account
- at the office of the branch of QAZAQGAZ AIMAQ JSC (addresses are listed on the website)
- in CSC (for the city of Astana)
Design and construction
Contractor: Licensed organizations at the Consumer's choice
Cost: Payment is negotiable
The consumer chooses a design and construction organization and independently enters into a contract with it (them) for the provision of services. The terms and cost of the work are determined by the contract
Checking connection readiness
- The consumer informs about the completion of work and readiness for connection, providing a package of Executive and technical documentation confirming compliance with the issued technical specifications and
the readiness of the object - JSC “QAZAQGAZ AIMAQ” carries out an inspection within 2 days. In case of unavailability, it issues an act of detected violations
Connection to the gas distribution system
Contractor: Licensed organizations at the Consumer's choice
Cost: According to the approved rates of QAZAQGAZ AIMAQ JSC
If the facility is ready and the Consumer pays for the services according to the price list, connection to the gas distribution system (tie-in to the existing gas pipeline, gas start-up and sealing) is carried out within 3 day.
Unified Contact Center
+7 777 121 26 26
+7 777 121 26 26
In case of a demand for payment for the issuance of Technical Specifications, as well as other facts of illegal and corrupt actions, we strongly ask you to report this to the specified numbers
Package of documents attached to the application for the issuance of technical specifications
In accordance with paragraph 261 of the “Rules for the Implementation of Activities by natural Monopolies”, approved by the Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 73 dated 13.08.2019.
To the application for the issuance of technical specifications for connection to gas supply networks in Form 4 according to Annex 4 to these Rules, the following are attached
- For individuals – a copy of the identity card of the owner of the object, a copy of the certificate of an individual entrepreneur, for legal entities – a certificate of state registration
- Certificate “Information on registered rights (encumbrances) on a real estate object” or a copy of the title document for real estate in the absence of documents, an application from the akimat for gasification
- Certificate “Information on registered rights (encumbrances) to a land plot” or a copy of title documents
- a copy of the technical passport for the gasified object (residential building) or an electronic document from the digital documents service (in case of connection to a regulated service of a completed construction object) or a copy of the draft gasification project for the reconstruction of existing (intra-house) networks
- Hydraulic calculations for the consumption of raw gas for cooking, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply for gasification of multi-storey buildings – for legal entities
When submitting an application for the issuance of technical specifications for connection to gas supply networks through the office of a natural monopoly entity or a State Corporation, the consumer provides for verification the originals of the documents specified in subparagraphs 1), 2), 3) and 4) of this paragraph.